Saturday, April 20, 2013


Your final exam will be taken the first week of May.  Here are some dates for you:

Monday, April 29th - work on review packet in class

Thursday, May 2nd - review packet is due by the end of class.  You will not be physically turning it in to me that day, but I will be checking to see if it is complete.

Monday May 6th-Wednesday May 8th - take final exam in 3 separate parts.  Monday and Tuesday will be the "Math Analysis Part" which you can use your portfolio on.  Wednesday will be the "CST part", which is no notes and no portfolio.

You will be turning in all your review packet work to Mrs. Contreras on one of those three days (she will let you know when).

I do understand that May 6th-8th are also AP exams.  Most of the exams are in the morning and you should be back for class in the afternoon.  In the instance that you miss one or more days of the final exam, Mrs. Contreras will plan ONE make-up day after school that first week.  You must show up to the make-up day or will receive a zero on that part of the exam.  No exceptions - she will not be offering multiple opportunities for irresponsibility or forgetfulness.

Review packets can be found here

You must print your own copy of the review or view on your electronic device.  All work must be done neatly and numbered and will be turned in before the exam.

  • Parts 1 and 2 cover "normal" Math Analysis material and you will be able to use your portfolio for it.
  • Part 3 will cover CST questions for your summative exam, which reviews Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.  Plan to ask a lot of questions on these problems, especially the Geometry ones because it has been a while!

Answer keys and help can be found here (will be updated as I add more; please let me know if you want me to work out any of them) 

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